Little Miss S Takes Up the Floss

My favorite thing is when people can laugh about awful things that happen to them. I’m not talking car crashes or fuel-air bombs, more along the lines of what happened to one of my all time favorite comic artists.

Danielle Corsetto is awesome. She is the filthy, twisted, wonderful mind behind the sometimes NSFW webcomic Girls With Slingshots. She also has this weird affliction where people have no respect for her house or its belongings. Once she woke up to find that a houseguest had chosen to pee on her couch despite the bathroom being very close and in perfect working order. That’s not all. Her wood stove has also been hosed down by a houseguest. It seems like people manage to pee everywhere in Danielle’s house but her toilet. It hasn’t damaged her sense of humor, though, or her desire to welcome friends into her home.

Apparently she has had some other issues of late because she tweeted this the other day.

Oh my.

After I read it, there was one burning thought in my head. I have to cross-stitch the hell out of that shit. Luckily, I have several rolls of fabric, three boxes of floss in varying colors and hands that are only suited to using the first three fingers right now. It was the perfect craft-making storm. So Mister E and I watched Red State, followed by the entire first season of The Walking Dead and I created this:

I think it turned out well.

#4 was added after some internal debate. Originally I was going to go with “Don’t pee on my couch” but then I remembered the wood stove. I actually had a good time with this, even though it was the subject of two minor panic attacks when I couldn’t pick fonts/colors and I couldn’t decide on a border. I was really, really hoping she would like it.

I think she liked it.

I hope this encourages people to not pee on her couch. AND I hope it encourages you to go show your favorite independent artist/musician/writer/business some love because it makes a difference. Indies have a long, strange road that is often mostly uphill and it means a lot to know you’re appreciated (seriously, I’ve saved every piece of fanmail I ever got. Including the ones from high school about fanfics). I also hope I have provided you with your dose of happy for Monday, because I’m quite fucked at the moment.